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Rising Stories

Investigating climate (im)mobility in the Pacific through multigenerational family stories

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Happy Procurement Client
Mana Pacific Consultants

Climate change is often thought of as a ‘risk’ or future issue.

However, here in the Pacific, the impacts of rising waters, cyclones and water contamination are a reality that is happening right now.

Our research gathers real life stories from families across six Pacific countries: Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, and Tuvalu. They show how these families have had to relocate - or have been unable to leave - when climate change affected their homes and livelihoods.

Rising Stories Collection
"If we migrate to new land, who will look after our ancestors buried here?"
“We say a child is “dropped” and the sand receives the child, the island receives the child, where else will the child go? We are people of the island, this is our place.”
"We do in the spirit of togetherness"
"Seawalls made of cement broke, washed away, then we tried the bwibwi and it worked"
"It is harder to fish, so we migrated to Honiara, to work to support our family"
"Tides make drinking water salty, we still drink well water"
"This is the place God has given us, not anywhere else, this God-given soil"
Taupo & Tracie, Mana Pacific Consultants
Weaving in Yaga Village

Climate change isn’t just impacting where people’s homes are.

It also impacts food security, fishing, and the cultural connections between our nations.
Despite these difficult conditions, many Pacific families show resilience and want to stay because they have loved ones buried in the area, a sense of belonging to their place or there simply isn’t other land available to move to. For some locations, the extreme conditions mean that whole communities are having to look at relocating.

Documents & Resources

Our research offers insights that can help shape effective, realistic policy.

Stories like these need to be at heart of policy in the Pacific and in Aotearoa. Our Pacific-led research has been completed by a team of expert researchers, with conversations conducted in native languages. We’re ensuring Pacific-Indigenous voices are represented in decision-making, and our research shares the voice of remote and rural communities.

Meet our research team
Taupo & Tracie, Mana Pacific Consultants
The shores of Kwai Island
Our research is part of a broader research programme in climate (im)mobility in the Pacific. This research was commissioned by the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, funded by New Zealand’s climate finance. The views expressed here are the authors’ alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the New Zealand government. Pacific climate mobility research undertaken by the University of Auckland team can be found HERE, and the research undertaken by the University of Waikato can be found HERE. The overall programme synthesis report is available on the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website HERE.
Are you a policy maker or researcher?

Story-based research can offer powerful insights and sit alongside quantitative data. Storytelling is powerful and culturally embedded in the practices of Pacific-Indigenous communities. We encourage you to use these stories and our Pacific-led research in your projects.  If you’d like more information or resources, please reach out.

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